Answer als: the data is here 2021
At 21, Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with ALS.
January 8 marks what would have been his 79th birthday. as a gift in his honor, AnswerALS released free access to the largest ALS dataset in history – and hopes the year ‘21 will see a breakthrough in his honor, too.
GALE was tasked with coming up with a campaign, media strategy and plan to launch this innovative portal. We created an emotional video launched on Stephen Hawking's birthday along with programmatic and digital display as well as some influencer marketing. The goal is create awareness and drive portal sign-ups within the ALS research and science community.
*Answer ALS is a non-profit ALS research organization. There are other ALS organizations out there, but Answer ALS is all about arming scientists and researchers with the data they need to find potential cures. This was a joint project between Microsoft and Answer ALS. The data portal is brand new and gives researchers and scientists free access to the most comprehensive clinical, genetic, molecular & biochemical assessment of ALS in history. It includes clinical data of more than 1,200 participants. For more on the portal and research, go here:
The data portal

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